Pursuant to municipal ordinance 5-4-8, private alarm systems are subject to charges for false alarms in a calendar year. Locations in violation will receive a notice/invoice based on the following schedule. Fees made be payable to the Village of Boyceville 1233 Charlotte Street, P.O. Box 368, Boyceville, WI 54725.


Burglar/Hold Up Alarms


For false alarms that result in a response from a law enforcement officer.

  • First or Second False Alarm (Per calendar year) - No Charge
  • Third or Fourth False Alarms - $100.00
  • Fifth or More False Alarms - $200


Fire Alarms


For false alarms that result in a response from a law enforcement officer or the fire department.

  • First False Alarm (Per calendar year) - No charge
  • Second False Alarm - $100.00
  • Third False Alarm - $250.00
  • Fourth or More False Alarms - $500.00


The Boyceville Police Department provides the following services upon request. Fees for services are set by the Village Board on an annual basis. Payments made be payable to the Village of Boyceville and may be paid to Village Hall located at 1233 Charlotte Street.


Public Records Request

Requests for records may be made consistent with  municipal ordinances 3-3-4 through 3-3-6 and Wisconsin Statute 19.35. Fees must be paid before records will be released.


  • Record - $5.00 per record (one free copy for victims)
  • Printed Documents - $0.25 per page
  • Digital Documents/Photos/Videos - $10.00 per USB
  • Shipping Costs - Actual Costs
  • Research and Scanning - Labor if over one hour



Civil Process

BPD will perform civil process/paper services for locations in the Village of Boyceville only. The cost per the is $75.00 per person served. The fee may be waived by the Chief of Police for other governmental bodies and organizations as deemed appropriate. Fees must be paid prior to service or arrangements made.


Background Checks

BPD will conduct background checks of subjects with a written waiver from the subject.


  • Basic Background Check (In-House/CCAP/Driving Records/Warrants) - $20.00 per subject
  • Bulk Basic Background Checks (5 or more subjects) - Requires preapproval for bulk rates
  • Wisconsin DOJ Criminal History Check - $10.00 per subject


Fees are not charged to governmental bodies the Village belongs to (Village departments/EMS and Fire Districts).



BPD will collect fingerprints if a subject provides their own fingerprint cards.


  • Village Residents - $10.00 per subject
  • Non-Residents - $20.00 per subject
  • Reprints (If prints are rejected by FBI/WI DOJ) - Free


Fees are not charged to governmental bodies the Village belongs to (Village departments/EMS and Fire Districts).

Public Information

Our Use of Force policy and our complaint form are listed here in compliance with Wisc. Stat. 66.0511. The complaint form has directions for how to submit it.

Use of Force Policy
Download File
BPD Complaint Form
Download File


Dunn County Emergency Communications is looking to update their computer records for businesses and property owners in town. You can complete this form and send it back to them and they will update their records in case of fire, burglary, or other emergency that we have a means of contacting someone after hours.

address update.pdf
Download File

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